Penrith B won their first match of the season, against Carlisle B, despite an early win by Carlisle’s Alan Little against Dave on board 4.

Lewis evened the score with a win against Alan Hiatt, on board 2, after winning a piece in the opening.

Board 1 always looked even and Eggert, with the white pieces, had to settle for a draw against Ian Mackay.

So, with the scores even, it was down to board 3 to decide the outcome of the match. I was a piece up against James Ovens but James made it very difficult for me to make progress. Eventually, after the queens were exchanged, I forced James to give up his bishop, leaving him with a rook against my rook, knight and bishop and from there, I was able to create a mating threat which was enough to convince James to throw in the towel.

The latest league table looks like this: